Imposter Syndrome: How Do We Cope?

Imposter Syndrome: How Do We Cope?

Imposter syndrome seems to be at an all-time high for many. A lot of people are constantly draining themselves, thinking they don't belong in their positions. I struggled with it too, long before I knew there was a name for it. When things happen, we question them, ask others for permission on how to feel about it, and we often go into a deep depression. The truth is that you belong, are qualified, and deserve to be in the room with other successful, like-minded people. Stop being your own worst critic and start seeing what everyone else around you see. 

Recently I've had many amazing things happening, and one I was highly excited about caused me to almost sink into a depression due to me experiencing imposter syndrome. Once I opened the email, after screaming in excitement, I kept rechecking the email to make sure my name was spelled right. I was sure it was a prank, even though deep down I knew it wasn't. I tried to find every reason for it not to be me and looking back now, it's funny, but at that moment, I felt so lost. I had to get myself together and speak life into myself. When feeling down in any way, the best thing you can do is be kind to yourself. Getting lost and caught up in a downhill spiral can happen, but you must be strong and know it will get better. Surrounding yourself with people who you can indeed be transparent and vulnerable with is an extra plus.

It is hard and will take time, but it isn't something you cannot do. We at Luxe Afro believe in you, and you need to believe in yourself. Below are five tips on how to step out of our way and realize our full potential. 


  1. Celebrate Yourself | It's OK to brag about yourself and celebrate your success. You worked hard, and you deserve everything you've ever dreamed could be possible. Whether you get dressed up and go out to celebrate or stay in with a bottle of wine and a show you've wanted to watch, CELEBRATE YOURSELF. 
  2. Let Go of Perfectionism | No one is perfect, including you! We're human and will have a lot of trial and error. Never get too caught up in that; instead, use it as a stepping stone and dominate every chance you get. 
  3. Be OK With Failing | Everyone wants to win, but no one wants to fail. Those failures make those wins sweeter, and each teaches you a valuable lesson. It's OK to fall, and it's OK to start over. Please don't dwell on it. 
  4. Talk With Someone | A friend, God, significant other, family, or therapist, find someone to share your insecurities with that you trust and be fully transparent with them. Sometimes your loved ones know just what to say to help you realize how amazing you're. 
  5. Be Kind to Your Mind | Don't beat yourself up about feeling this way. You're not alone, and we all struggle with this. When you start feeling this way, please be gentle with yourself because it will make you feel better, calm your anxiety, and makes the thoughts calm down that may be racing in your head. 



Remember, you got this, and you're qualified. Keep excelling, thriving, and being yourself. If you need further help and want to start your self-care journey, please click here to book a session with our self-care coach.

We look forward to serving you with all things self-care. Have a day as impressive as you're. 


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